Whereas: The law creating the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) does not allow Letter Carriers to buy back non-career Postal Service or federal Government service time if it was served on or after January 1, 1989, and
Whereas: The Postal Service is moving more toward the hiring of city carrier assistants (CCAs) who are
not allowed to make a deposit into any retirement system, and
Whereas: These CCA letter carriers may invest many years with the Postal Service, and
Whereas: The CCA and other letter carriers who have served in a non-career capacity in the Postal Service or another Federal government agency (non-deduction service) would benefit from being allowed to buy back their time with the Postal Service and/or the federal government so they could have credit toward their retirement, therefore be it
Resolved: that if these CCAs become Career Employees, they will be immediately allowed to buy back all service time with the Postal Service, and that CCAs and all letter carriers who have served as TE’s, casuals, or any other temporary carrier capacity, who become Career Employees and current career Letter Carriers will be immediately allowed to buy back all non-deduction service time with the Postal Service and/or another Federal Government agency.
Submitted by the City Carrier Assistants of Branch 1630.
I am with you in pushing foward Nalc to get new negotiations on buying the time spent working for the USPS as TE/CCA or as Casual when became career regular or ptf's carriers. Since they had record of the time spent working, it will be great that time count towards retirement if you buy it.